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$0+ a year

MakerClassesIRL Premium Directory

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MakerClassesIRL Premium Directory

Thank you for checking out our Premium Directory! We are still in the process of building our list of classes, but we would love to have your vote of confidence and would appreciate any financial help you can offer to further the MakerClass IRL mission. This business costs real money to run, and anything helps!

Pick your price (even if it's $0) and sign up now and you will always have access to our growing directory of in-real-life maker classes:

  • Sort and search for specific classes by learning content, recommended age, machinery or tools used, and more
  • Link directly to class registration page or to teacher contact info
  • Read student reviews from other MakerClassesIRL members*
  • Early access to new class signups via our email newsletter*
  • Find class discounts and other maker deals just for members*

*Coming soon!!

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